Wednesday, July 18, 2012


(Inspiration - Mary Schmidt/Baz Luhrmann )
Ladies and gentleman
If I could offer one tip for the future, coffee would it be.The long term benefits and scientific proof you don’t worry about, just drink . Whereas  the rest of my message for you has no basis more reliable than my own non-existent experience…I will dispense this advice now

Don't make  resolutions and promises, chances are you will never achieve and fulfill  those. It only gonna make you unhappy and worried. The whole world is a stage, why not ad libbed the whole part. Plan for the worst day but don't spoil the excitement of uncertainty.

Jog. (Or walk briskly, or cycle, or do yoga.)

Don't overburden yourself with problems at work . The presentation and excel spreadsheet are not the solutions to your life problems. The troubles in your life will always involve people and people are unpredictable and some are crazy sons of bitches.

Spend a little time every day doing nothing.

Don't expect organization to be as committed to you as you are to them. They don't work in that way. If you find one that is as committed,never leave.Invest in a good suit,pair of shoes and get a shave.Thanks to society's shallowness,the return will be considerable.

Record all the feedback you ever get in your career. Especially the inaccurate, pointless, biased and vague bits that drove you nuts. This will help you when you eventually give feedback to somebody yourself.
Keep a copy of all your old resumes. When you are struck by bouts of existential crisis, flip through them in chronological order. Do the same with resignation letters.
Don't judge people by what they speak,Don’t leave nasty comments in other people’s walls and blogs. Similarly don’t expect people to like every thing you say on social websites. Sometimes you are liked many times, sometimes nobody will even read your status update…the race is long and in the end, the status update is only a way of talking to yourself. Don't judge yourself by that.


Be kind to your computer. You will miss it when it crashes and lose all your pictures when you have to format your hard-disk. Get plenty of hard disk space for your computer.

Maybe you drink,maybe you don't. May be you booze may be you won't .May be you will engage in one unethical,unlawful activity, Whatever you do, don't laugh at a person doing something different than you. You are lying to you parents so is everybody else.

Dance but keep it classy

Understand that people come and go, but there are a precious few you must always annoy. Work hard to find out that girl’s phone number, because the more you delay, the more the possibility of her boyfriend dropping her off  right before your eyes.

Let people give you advice. Develop the art of looking interested even if you are not.Pay attention to advice of people who have stake in your happiness and not a stake in your success.
Not a lot of people are “meant” to do something. They just say that to sell bad books.You will find various amounts of meaning and satisfaction in various things. Choose your compromises wisely.

Be nice to people for the heck of it.

Don’t expect the TV to show good programs all the time. Put it on mute when advertisements are on.

Be careful whose blog you read, but, appreciate those who blog. Blogging is a form of yoga, where you do abnormal things just to keep you normal.

Hope is great,but we need caffeine.

 Forget all these,trust me on coffee.

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